Grace Kelly- Emelie Schwandedörfli

Geb: 1.12.2022

HD: A/A 

ED: 0/0

Gonio frei

Frei von vererbbaren Augenkrankheiten

PRA 1 PRA 2 frei

Ichtiose frei



Xanthos Rumba


Dutch Consolidation Spy Vs Spy

Desiderio Paso Doble

Golden Southern Son

Dutch Consolidation Nothing Else

Xanthos Bullet Proof

Quamaara Pussy Galore

Elmira-Elly of Goldenlove

AFenwood Ell Paco

Siria of Goldenlove

Zampanzar Say it Again Shardanell

Ramchaine Green Glow by Feenwood (FCI)

Taram du Bois dela Rayere

Original Mira Golden Angels of Oberach
